If you have any additional questions, contact us at contact@dgbuilds.org

When will I get my PC?

Approximately 3 to 5 weeks. Every PC is built to order, and there are a lot of factors, including but not limited to: ordering parts, waiting for them to arrive, possibly having to replace dead-on-arrival components, building the PC, installing the operating system, stress testing, and shipping. This could take as little as three weeks or up to five weeks, but the benefit is that the final product will be polished and confirmed to be working as expected. Some of these factors are not in our control, which means that we cannot guarantee a time-frame for arrival.

What kinds of components do you use?

All components are high-end and reliable. Every single one of our parts, including the parts that most don’t give a second thought to (ex. power supplies, motherboards, etc.), are top of the line and from reliable brands. Additionally, we only use standardized and easily upgradable parts. We very rarely ship PCs with used parts, but they will be explicitly marked as containing used parts and will be stress tested before shipping. If you have any questions regarding the parts that are in a certain PC, email contact@dgbuilds.org.

Do you provide a warranty?

No, we do not provide our own warranty. However, with the large majority of our parts being brand new, the parts will still be covered. Brand new parts are subject to the manufacturer’s warranty, which is often 2 years. You will need to refer to the manufacturer’s policies for more information.

How much does shipping cost?

All pre-configured PCs on our site include free shipping. Buyers will have to pay for shipping on Custom PCs, which tends to be from $50-$120 depending on various factors. It can change based on how large and heavy the PC is and the distance it needs to travel, as well as how expensive. All shipping is fully insured up to the price of the PC.

What is your return policy?

We build custom PCs that are made specifically for each customer, and hence we cannot except returns.